Thursday, 14 May 2009

Random assortment of Kiwisms

* Afghan - type of biscuit

* Backblocks - out in the sticks - also referred to as out in the wop wops, up the boohai

* Docket - receipt

* Bludge - scrounge

* P.M.S - Pest management strategy - wouldn't be safe to use that in front of hormonal women!!

* Billy - billy can as in camping pot, but also refers to peoples kettles "put the billy on"

* Jug - also means kettle

* Jafa - j.a.f.a = just another f***ing aucklander - dereogatory term for a city person i.e "you're just anonymous face" they don't know anything about country ways

* Tukus - slang for mens underwear originating from a financial scandal where the director of a company allegedly bought very expensive underwear with company funds! Also used to denote dubious use of funds

* To have "tickets on" someone - to fancy someone

*Stonkered - knackered, to be beaten (in a game)

*Curly - difficult, or very good (both apply to Dave depending on what mood he's in!)

*Toss your lollies - be sick

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