Tuesday, 10 February 2009

The deputy manager of our house

Well folks, I completely neglected to tell you about the newest addition to our household, our new kitten Mia. A friends cat had an unplanned pregnancy and as we have been looking for a new mog for Billy to be friends with since next door moved out taking their cat Tiger (Billy's best mate) with them, as he has been a right clingy sod.

So we said that we would take one of the little balls of fluff from Sulle (our friend). So Christmas Eve, Mia arrived with a little gift tag on her collar and she has been impossibly cute ever since. And she knows it. I don't think she is necessarily the brightest candle in the box, but she's so endearing you can't help but love her on sight.

Having done his "I'm boss cat, don't mess with me" bit, Billy has now accepted her as his slightly eccentric surrogate sister and she loves using him as her own personal climbing frame. She has absolutely no fear, is an intrepid explorer, jumps from heights with no safety net and has a fascination with chewing feet. And her own tail. It follows her. It's a conspiracy don't cha know?

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