Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Hooray for Physiotherapists

Well, Friday we found out that the landlord of the house we were going to rent wants $1000 dollars off us for lost rental - he sent a letter to Dave's boss. (hmm, lethal electrics - does that constitute being fit to rent? - I think not!) - Dave is going to meet up with him on Monday. Maybe we were just too polite when we told him we didn't want the house - maybe if we had said it's a sh*t tip and unsafe, he might not have been so shocked?

Anyway, move into the new house on Friday, which will be nice as the motel room is starting to get a little boring now - especially over the last few days.

We went to Jo & Tony's on Saturday - Jo works at Fulton Hogan as well, and they invited us over for a meal. We had a lovely meal and a few drinks, but the evening was somewhat spoilt by a sparkler going off in Tony's hand and giving him second degree burns, which was not good. We stayed with Jo until Tony got back from hospital (Tony's mum took him to the hospital as we were all over the driving limit for alcohol) - so it was a bit of a late night.

Sunday we went to a gypsy fair, where we bought a beautiful mirror for the house, and some wind chimes - could have spent a fortune there, there was so much beautifully hand made stuff there. Fil, you would have been in your element - there was more hippy sh*t (as Dave calls it) than you could shake a stick at!

However, I went to get up out of a chair and turn my head, and my neck locked. Long story short, I could only have my head resting on my right shoulder (which is bloody uncomfortable in itself) without going into agonising spasms and I ended up going to a&e & waiting three hours for painkillers - I think they only gave me some in the end as I was screaming so much! I have popped a disc out in my neck, which, folks I do not reccommend cos it bloody hurts!!!!!!!

So I have spent the vast majority of the last three days flat on my back watching dvds and being doped up on pain killers. fun!

We won't have broadband for a little while at home as there is a problem with the network in the area (can't remember if I wrote that on a previous post or not) but we should be able to get dial up, so we'll be able to check emails and stuff, it will just probably be painfully slow.

I got a referral to physiotherapist from the hospital and have seen her Monday, Yesterday, today and I will see her again tomorrow, and more next week. Comparatively, to the UK, it's cheap, but if the ACC (health subsidy type thing) don't accept my claim then it's $60 a session, so it'll soon mount up. So I need you all to send healing thoughts to my neck and shoulders, cos I need to get better soon or we'll be broke! Physio has helped, and my new best friend is my "hottie" - one of those wheat bags that you heat up in the microwave, as well as Mr Co-codamal and Mrs Ibuprofen.

I managed to get myself dressed today and it only took me ten minutes - woo hoo! Major achievement. But fyi - daytime tv sucks as much over here as it does in the UK, hence the purchase of a dvd player.

Thankfully our parcefuls from the UK arrived so Mr nasty landlord didn't get his hands on them, which is good, and means I have some music. hooray.

Ho hum, better go for now, I'm not supposed to sit for any length of time.

Back to desperate housewives and scrubs box sets!


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